We're selling ALL the things we don't have a place or use for... and that's a lot! Home decor, wall decor, hunting accessories, baby items, kitchen items, collectibles, outdoor furniture, etc. etc.
ALL priced to sell-great prices. (Many perfect for gifts.)
NOW you can take a look at all the goodies, the
awesome prices, and then come shop. With extreme distances for garage-saling in Montana, you can save on gas and save money.
First come, first serve- bring your cash.
Prices listed below photos or OBO.
Email at 22sondrajohnson@gmail.com or call 406-848-9145. We're in the Cinnabar Basin near Corwin Springs (close to Gardiner for non-locals).
Send this link to your friends and family.... bargains galore!
PS- photos are deleted as items are sold, and we've added some things that don't have photos. Come and browse... if we're at home, you can stop by.
High-end gun cases: large $20.00, small $5.00
(now only shotgun and 2 silver small cases available...)
framed large numbered print- $30.00
hand-carved shoe $8.00 carved trout SOLD
framed counted cross stitch piece- $15.00
32 boxes 28 GA shotgun shells- different weights- $100.00 for all
box of office misc. 6.00 for all
poly wicker end tables- 30.00 for both
collectibles- paperweight 15.00; faberge egg SOLD
cool books- 5.00 ea. Hunting Stories and Upland Game SOLD
cool books- 5.00 ea.
18x26" framed print- 15.00
44x31" LARGE framed Asian print- 40.00
collectible Elks club book- excellent condition 10.00
gun slings- like-new cond. 5.00 ea.
leather ones sold; a few neoprene ones left
left-hand golf clubs and travel case- 300.00
Big Bertha, titanium driver, great travel case
Original pastel drawing framed- 15.00
3 new garment closets and cedar accents- 20.00 for all
modern Native American flute- 20.00; Orvis alarm clock- SOLD
collectible Ruger beer stein- 15.00
like new Oster breadmaker- 20.00
Al Mar fishing vest 10.00; XL camo pants 15.00
super surge protector/battery backup- 20.00
used 2x high chair- 18.00
awesome like new stroller- 15.00
baby items- 22.00 for all
end table/ bath accent- 15.00
xl ski pants- 25.00; xl/2x camo pants jackets- 15.00 ea.
xl/2x ski pants 20.00 ea; jacket 15.00
Merino Wool long underwear xxl- 22.00
garden sculpture 35.00
garden sculpture 35.00
party pack 10.00
pewter candlestick holder- 12.00; birds- 10.00
jigsaw cut artwork by Montana artist- 15.00 ea.
Cowboy 9x12" antelope 11x15"
32" lamp 15.00
antique frame/vintage photos 25.00
45x25x13" teak bookcase 25.00
32" lamp 15.00
24" lamp 7.00
framed signed fishing etchings 20.00 ea.
20x16" 11/25, 8/30
32X32" framed original oil painting 22.00
I am interested in the mountain dulcimer and would like to know a little more about it. How can I contact you?